August 28, 2008, 4:36 pm
vmkfstools is your friend. In ESX 2.5.x you can use the switch “-P” on the “mapping”-file to show you details of the RDM.
# vmkfstools -P /vmfs/FileSystem1/somemachinesdiskfile-META.vmdk
in VI3 the switch has changed to “–queryrdm” or just “-q” for short.
# vmkfstools -q /vmfs/FileSystem1/somemachinesdiskfile.vmdk
August 26, 2008, 10:22 pm
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux you can change the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) dynamically
# ip link set mtu eth0 512
or using ifconfg
# ifconfig eth0 mtu 512
but to make it permanent even after a reboot you need to add the MTU setting to the correct interface configuration file.
continuing the above examples, that would be:
August 26, 2008, 8:57 am
If using Qlogic HBAs in SLES 9, the recommended driver is the vendors own driver. In this case wwn's as well as wwpn's could be found by looking in /proc/scsi/qla2xxx
# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/* | grep node
# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/* | grep adapter-port
In SLES 10 the native HBA driver is the recommended. You can find WWNs and WWPNs by looking in /sys/class/fc_host or using the systool
# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host?/node_name
# systool -c fc_host -A "node_name"
August 22, 2008, 3:21 pm
This Blog is not really a blog. It is meant as place to write tech stuff that I would otherwise forget. So it’s pretty much a private bulletin board.
On the other hand; If this collection – by any chance – can help somebody “out there”, it would be downright stupid not making it public. With the added bonus that I can access my “memory” from anywhere as long as I’m online (which is pretty much allways).
There’s not much (read: nothing) in this collection yet, but there will be shortly, and it will be a work in constant progress.